October 2024 South Precinct and Kiama Council meetings


The draft agenda for the October Precinct meeting can be found here (closer to the meeting date).


The full agenda and Business papers for the October Council meeting can be downloaded here.

The Table of Contents of the October Council Business Paper can be downloaded here.

Some items of interest for October are:

Items 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 relate to the election of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and any casual vacancies that occur in the next 18 month. These reports can be downloaded here.

Items 13.4, 13.5 and 13.6 relate to membership of Council Committees and Committees external to Council. Election of members. These reports can be downloaded here.

Items 13.8 and 13.9 relate to the delegations given to the CEO and the Mayor. These reports can be downloaded here.

** The current delegations document can be downloaded here for comparison purposes with the proposed new delegations.

Items 14.1 and 14.2 Financial and Investment reports. These reports can be downloaded here.

Item 14.3 Delivery Program and Operational Plan for Jan – June 2024. These reports can be downloaded here.

Item 15.1 Grants and Donations round 1 funding. It can be downloaded here.

Item 16.2 Update on west Kiama Planning proposal can be downloaded here.

The other items, including Compliance Office report, Liquor Accord and Traffic Management Committee did not have any Gerringong specific matters and can be viewed as part of the full business paper.

There is a resolution register at Item 16.1 on page 354 which gives a summary of progress made on past resolutions of Council.



West Kiama Planning Proposal information and links to documents.

The Southern Regional Planning Panel has reversed the Unanimous decision of Kiama Council to refuse the Traders in Purple Planning Proposal for over 1000 new dwellings in West Kiama, known as Springside Hill. Set out below are links to important documents related to the history of this PP.

Part 1: Traders in Purple (TIP), lodged a Planning Proposal for approximately 1069 new dwellings to be delivered over a 10 to 15 year timeframe. The proposal incorporates a mix of residential densities, commercial uses, recreation and conservation outcomes.

The applicant’s proposal website can be found here.

Council placed the proposal on public exhibition.

Part 2: At the Council meeting of 16th April 2024, Kiama Councillors voted unanimously to support the recommendations of the staff that the West Kiama Planning Proposal (Springside Hill) NOT be approved.

The Staff report can be downloaded here.

The minutes relating to Item 15.1 can be found here.

Video of the Council debate on item 15.1 can be found here. Scroll down to the list of items and select 15.1

Council  received a petition of 642 signatures opposing the Planning Proposal which was delivered  to the Council at the 16th April Meeting. See Item 17.9 in the Council meeting video.

An extract from the petition can be found here.

Minutes relating Item 17.9can be found here.

Part 3: As a result of the refusal, TIP requested a review of the decision and as Council had previously refused the PP, it was passed to the Southern Regional Planning Panel (SRPP) to undertake the review of Council’s decision.

The briefing report provided to the SRPP can befound here.

The full set of documents reviewed by the SRPP, together with the report on its decision can be found here.

Part 4: The SRPP overruled the Council decision and chose to allow the Planning Proposal to proceed to the Gateway provided that a number of conditions be met. The SRPP ruling also sets out a timeline for TIP to respond.

The record of decision of the SRPP can be found here.

Part 5: The decision to allow the Planning Proposal to proceed (with conditions) was met with considerable concern by both the Council and the wider community,

Kiama Council’s formal response to the SRPP decision is on the Council website and can be found here.

A Kiama Bugle report on the matter can be found here.

Part 6: In response to the overturning of Council’s refusal of the Planning Proposal an online Change.org petition has been established and is available here.


July 2024 South Precinct and Kiama Council meetings

The July meeting of the South Precinct will be held at the Gerringong Town Hall on Thursday 11th July 2024 at 7.30pm


The draft agenda for the July Precinct meeting can be found here.


The full agenda and Business papers for the June Council meeting can be downloaded here.

The Table of Contents of the June Council Business Paper can be downloaded here.

Some specific items of interest are listed below. Those not specifically referenced can be found in the full business paper (check the table of contents for pages). NOTE item 15.1 draft Kiama Growth and Housing Strategy

Item 12.1 and 12.2 – Minutes of Committees download here.

Item 14.1 and 14.2 – Financial reports download here.

Item 15.1 – Staff report regarding the Kiama Growth and Housing Strategy download here.

Item 15.1 – Enclosure – the full Kiama Growth and Housing Strategy document here.

Item 15.2 – Development Assessment report download here.

June 2024 South Precinct and Kiama Council meetings

The June meeting of the South Precinct will be held at the Gerringong Town Hall on Thursday 13th June 2024.


The draft agenda for the June Precinct meeting can be found here.


The full agenda and Business papers for the June Council meeting can be downloaded here.

The Table of Contents of the June Council Business Paper can be downloaded here.

Some specific items of interest are listed below. Those not specifically referenced can be found in the full business paper (check the table of contents for pages):

  • Item 12 – Minutes of Committees (Finance Advisory Committee, Infrastructure and Lliveability Advisory Committee and Sustainable Communities Advisory Committee) can be found here.
  • Item 13.2 – Community Engagement Strategy Final for endorsement is here.
  • Item 14.4 – Statement of Investments can be found here.
  • Item 15.1 – draft Dog Friendly Spaces Strategy can be found here.
  • Item 15.2 – draft DCP for South Kiama Urban Release Area can be found here.
  • Item 15.3 – Growth and Housing Strategy Update and Engagement report can be found here.
  • Item 16.1 – Beach Lifeguard Services 2023/2024 Annual report can be found here.
  • Item 16.2 – Traffic Committee minutes (has two local items) can be found here.
  • Item 20 – Notices of Motion can be found here.

May 2024 South Precinct and Kiama Council meetings

The May meeting of the South Precinct will be held at the Gerringong Town Hall on Thursday 16th May 2024.


The agenda for the May Precinct meeting can be found here.

There are two guest speakers at our May meeting. See details below.

Item 1: Discussion about the two major Council Advisory Committees (see links in red below).

We have one of the community representatives from each of the committees to talk about the role of the committees and their work to date. The guests have been given a short list of general questions to form the basis of their presentations and there will be an opportunity for the attendees to ask further questions.

Alan Smith will be talking about the Sustainable Communities Advisory Committee.

We are yet to confirm the representative of the Infrastructure and Livability Advisory Committee. Update: this committee will be the focus of a guest at the June meeting.

Item 2: Community Insights Survey Participation Invitation

Lynne Strong will be discussing the purpose behind this survey which has as its objective; to Encourage all meeting participants to partake in a pivotal survey that captures the diverse priorities and interests across our community, reflecting everything from parks and public transport to healthcare and housing.


The full agenda and Business papers for the May Council meeting can be downloaded here.

* The full set of enclosure documents can be downloaded from the same page here. Included are the documents for item 12.4, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 15.4 some of which are referred to below.

The Table of Contents of the May Council Business Paper can be downloaded here.

Some specific items of interest are listed below. Those not specifically referenced can be found in the full business paper (check the table of contents for pages):

  • Item 11: Mayoral Minute Bombo Quarry and Jamberoo Rural Fire Service here.
  • Item 12: Advisory Committee minutes here.
  • Item 13.2: Current Legal matters here.
  • Item 13.4 Integrated Planning and Reporting documents for public exhibition report here. * Full documents in the enclosures
  • Item 13.6: 2022-23 Financial statements report here. * Full documents in the enclosures.
  • Item 13.9: Submission to Legislative Council Inquiry into Councils funding Infrastructure and services here.
  • Item 13.10 Submissions to House of Reps re Financial Sustainability of Councils here.
  • Item 14: Chief  Operating Officer, draft long term financial plan, restricted funds policy, Quarterly Budget review and monthly financial statements and Investments for April. here.
  • Item 15.2: Draft Section 7.12 Contribution Plan (2024) here.
  • Item 15.4: Kiama Coastline Coastal management Program report here. * Full documents in the enclosures
  • Item 16.1 Plan  of Management – Council Managed Crown land report here.
  • Item 19 Notices of Motion from Councillors here.
  • Item 22: Confidential Reports here.

April 2024 South Precinct and Kiama Council meetings

The April meeting of the South Precinct will be held at the Gerringong Town Hall on Thursday 11th March 2024.


The full agenda and Business papers for the April Council meeting can be downloaded here.

The Table of Contents of the April Council Business Paper can be downloaded here.

Some specific items of interest have been extracted and can be found below:

Item 13.2 The Community Engagement Strategy can be downloaded here.

Item 13.3 Performance Improvement Order Implementation and Oversight committee report can be downloaded here.

Item 15.1 West Kiama Planning Proposal report can be downloaded here.

Item 15.2 Library Services Report can be downloaded here.

Item 17 Reports for Information can be downloaded here.


The agenda for the April Precinct meeting can be found here.

There are two guest speakers at our April meeting. See details below.

Item 1: “Cows or Concrete” As mentioned previously we will have Karen Fowler from the group “Cows or Concrete” to discuss the large residential development proposal west of Kiama in the Spring Creek catchment. This proposal is very significant as Council undertakes its Growth and Housing Strategy. The outcome of these matters will have a significant impact on bearing on how growth in the Kiama LGA impacts on the Gerringong Gerroa area.

See above Item 15.1 on the West Kiama Planning Proposal and Item 17 page 485 on the Petition opposing the West Kiama PP with supporting comments here.

Item 2: Local “Affordable Housing” initiative. A new local initiative in the area of affordable housing called The Illawarra Housing Association Inc (IHA) has been established and Annette Pust will be presenting information on the IHA at our meeting. The founding members are : Founding members are Sandra McCarthy, Jeff McCarthy, Belinda Richardson Morris, Damian Morris and Annette Pust.

“We are a community based non-for-profit organisation located in Gerringong. Our aim is to provide affordable housing to the community of Gerringong, Kiama and the Illawarra. 

As a first step we approach Kiama Council to facilitate currently unused council properties and council land and to re-purpose it to be used a community housing and apply for government grants to finance the construction of affordable housing. These homes can then be rented out to members from the community, of which the housing is in, in need of affordable housing.”
The Facebook page of this organisation can be found here.

March 2024 South Precinct and Kiama Council meetings

The March meeting of the South Precinct will be held at the Gerringong Town Hall on Thursday 14th March 2024.

South Precinct agenda (prepared before the business paper was released) here

South Precinct March meeting minutes are now available here.

(a) Letter to Council re Werri Beach Holiday Park here.

(b) Letter to Council re Gerringong Surf Club here.

Kiama Council Ordinary Meeting 19th March Agenda items only here

The full pdf of the March Council Agenda (100Mb) can be downloaded here from the Council website.

Individual sections can be downloaded as needed here directly from this website. Check the Council agenda items above to see which items you are interested in:

Item 12 – Minutes of Committees here

Item 13 – Report of the CEO here

Item 14 – Report of the Chief Operating Officer here (Investments, Half Yearly report of Delivery program and Operational Plan

Item 15 – Report of the Director of Planning, Environment and Communities here (includes Growth and Housing Strategy Community Engagement, Agritourism, Short term Rental Accommodation and public exhibitions as per agenda  and a DA with request for height variation)

Item 16 – Report of the Director of Infrastructure and Liveability here (includes 16.1 request for funding assistance Gerringong SLSC, Jones beach vegetation destruction)

Item 17 – Reports for Information here

Item 19 – Notices of Motion here (19.1 Clr Rankema Lang – Financial sustainability of Local Government, 19.2 Clr Larkins – PIO Oversight and Implementation Committee, 19.3 Clrs Rice, Renkema-Lang and Steel – Recision of motion 24/035OC 19.1 of  13 Feb meeting)

Draft Planning changes to increase densities near railway stations and Town Centres.

Draft Planning changes to increase densities near railway stations and Town Centres.

The NSW Government is proposing broad changes to planning rules that will apply to all councils in the “Six Cities” regions. Kiama LGA is part of the Illawarra Shoalhaven and is included.

The Station and town centres precincts are proposed to be:

  • within the Six Cities Region; and
  • 800m walking distance of a heavy rail, metro or light rail station; or
  • 800m walking distance of land zoned E2 Commercial Centre or SP5 Metropolitan Centre; or
  • 800m walking distance of land zoned E1 Local Centre or MU1 Mixed use but only if the zone contains a wide range of frequently needed goods and services such as full line supermarkets, shops and restaurants.
  • The Department is seeking input from councils to determine which E1 and MUl centres contain an appropriate level of goods, services and amenities to be included.

The proposed non-refusal standards for residential flat buildings and shop top housing in the station and town centre precincts are:

In the inner part of the precincts within 400 metres of the stations/centres:

  • Maximum Building Height: 21m
  • Maximum FSR: 3:1

In the outer part of the precincts from 400 to 800 metres of the stations/centres:

  • Maximum Building Height: 16m
  • Maximum FSR: 2:1

The non-refusal standards will apply to any residential flat building and shop top housing development on land in station and town centre precincts (with the exception of land zoned R2).

For residential flat buildings, the non-refusal standards apply to land where this land use is currently permitted or proposed to be permitted. For shop- top housing, the non-refusal standards apply where this land use is currently permitted.

The Department of Planning has placed these changes on exhibition and submissions close on Friday 23rd February 2024. See this page for details.

Documents of interest – click to download:

Explanation of intended effect: Changes to create low-and mid-rise housing.

Draft State Environmental Planning Policy

Letter from the Better Planning Network


February 2024 South Precinct and Kiama Council meetings

The February meeting of the South Precinct was held at the Gerringong Town Hall on Thursday 8th February.

South Precinct agenda here

South Precinct minutes here

Kiama Council Extraordinary Meeting , 1st Feb Agenda here and Supplementary Agenda here

Kiama Council Extraordinary Meeting , 1st Feb Minutes here

Kiama Council Meeting 13th February Agenda here and Supplementary Agenda here

Kiama Council Meeting 13th February minutes here

Extraordinary meeting of KMC – Blue Haven Bonaira matters

Kiama Council has called an Extraordinary Meeting for Thursday 1 February to consider the Blue Haven Bonaira tender, and the Notice of Motion regarding the divestment of Blue Haven Bonaira, which was deferred from the December meeting.

The Extraordinary Meeting will commence at 5pm on Thursday 1 February.

Public Access will be held beforehand at 4pm.

The meeting agenda will also be published three days before the meeting.

Consideration of the Blue Haven tender will be held in a confidential session, as with all tenders presented to Councillors for consideration.

The following week, the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer will meet with Blue Haven staff, independent living residents, nursing home residents and their next-of-kin, Council staff and unions to discuss the outcomes and next steps.

The community will also be provided an update of the meeting outcomes.