Status of the Precinct – update January 2025

UPDATE January 2025: Due to the decision by Council to terminate its support for the Precinct System it has been necessary for the South Precinct to look for new ways of continuing the work it has done for the last 30 years. South Precinct has been the only precinct group that has continued to function since the original system was put in place.

Without the support of Council to cover costs of Hall hire and without the means of providing security for the $2500 excess for insurance claims it it not possible to continue having monthly meetings at Gerringong Town Hall.

Given the small number of regular attendees at meetings it is not feasible to apply a “membership” system to cover costs and the process of “Incorporation” would require a much greater long term commitment than is available from the current regular attendees.

The current committee will maintain:

(1) the South Precinct Facebook page to pass on information from the Council to members of that group.

(2) the South Precinct email list and

(3) the South Precinct website with updates of Council meetings as they occur monthly.


PREVIOUS content of this page: ………

Following the September meeting of Council and resolution 23/250OC, the Precincts are no longer considered to be Advisory committees of Council and the current guidelines are no longer applicable. It is noted that for 12 months Council will still provide some assistance to the current Precincts.

South Precinct will over the next few months discuss the long term future of the organisation and its structure so that it can continue to provide an opportunity to discuss local matters and to ensure that the local community is kept up to date with opportunities to have a say in the future of the area.

Resolved (at the September meeting of Kiama Council) that Council:

1. Adopt the Committees Framework Policy.

2. Confirms through the decision of April 2023 23/1070C, that Precinct Groups and Community Associations are no longer formal Committees of Council.

This change requires that:

(a) The minutes of precinct committees are no longer included within Council business papers.

(b) Precinct Groups and Community Associations operate within their own terms of reference and requirements and will not operate under the Precinct Guidelines.

(c) The Precinct Guidelines will no longer be maintained or updated by Council.

3. Recognises and confirms that (despite the above change) Precincts and Community Associations continue to operate and provide a valuable contribution to both the community and Council and ongoing involvement in the development of the Community Engagement Strategy.

4. Appreciates the hard work and collaboration between Council and the Precinct Groups and Community Associations and looks forward to continued discussion of Municipal development, Planning, and Policies with these groups.

5. Will continue to offer the following benefits to the existing recipients another year (to be reviewed within the next 12 months alongside the new committee structure):

(a) Provision of $500 per annum to assist with administration and publicity.

(b) Provision of $99 per annum for Microsoft Office suite subscription.

(c) A second-hand notebook/laptop for minute taking and correspondence.

(d) A meeting venue free of charge.

(e) Personal accident insurance over the executive of Precinct committees for twelve months.

6. Refers to the forward budget estimate register for 2024-25 a request to scope and consider options for the creation of a dedicated page on the Council’s website where the minutes and conversations of all community organisations can be contributed.

7. Will write to and visit the two Precinct groups (Central and South) and Community Associations (Jamberoo Valley Ratepayers and Residents and Minnamurra Progress) to advise them of this decision.

The motion was proposed by Councillors Rice and Larkins and the voting was as set out below

For: Councillors Brown, Draisma, Keast, Larkins, Reilly, Rice and Steel

Against: Councillors Croxford and Renkema-Lang